The University of Virginia School of Medicine granted Doctor of Medicine degrees to the 129 members of the Class of 2008 during graduation exercises on Sunday, May 18, 2008. These 57 women and 72 men represented the 179 th graduating class of physicians to receive their degrees from UVA.
“We expect great things from the class of 2008,” said Sharon L. Hostler, interim dean and vice president of the School of Medicine. “From their academic achievements to their community involvement to the continuation of their careers in residency, this class has achieved the highest marks, had the greatest impact and is the most sought after in the history of UVA School of Medicine. They truly are an outstanding group of young physicians.”
Of the 129 graduates, 127 are continuing their medical training in residencies across the country. The newly minted physicians will be studying 21 disciplines in 26 states. The highest number of students, 27, will be training in internal medicine, followed by pediatrics with 14 trainees and emergency medicine with 12. Twenty-three of the students will continue their training at the UVA Health System.
In addition to the awarding of degrees, the following student and teaching awards were presented during graduation ceremonies:
Student Awards:
C. Richard Bowman Scholarship Award: Christopher John Arnold
The award is made in memory of C. Richard Bowman, 1974 graduate of the University of Virginia School of Medicine. The award is based upon performance during the clerkships and is awarded to the student who embodies the ideals and spirit of Dr. Bowman.
Edgar J. Shannon Award of the Z Society: David Benjamin Bumpass
The award is presented in honor of former University President Edgar F. Shannon, Jr., by the Z Society to a student who has contributed in an outstanding way to the academic and extracurricular excellence of their School.
Medical Alumni Association Outstanding Student Award: Emily Kathleen Clarke , Sixtine-Pacifiquie Aglaee Valdelievre
The award is presented by the University of Virginia Medical Alumni Association to members of the graduating class who contributed in unique ways to excellence in the School of Medicine and fostered new student programs and initiatives.
Leadership Award: Emily Kathleen Clarke
The award is given in recognition of exceptional leadership.
Teaching Awards:
Robert Bennett Bean Award : Wendy L. Golden, Ph.D.
Established by the Class of 1966 in honor of Dr. Robert Bennett Bean, anatomist, anthropologist, and chair of the Department of Anatomy from 1916 to 1942. The award is presented by the second year class to a member of the faculty for excellence in teaching the basic medical sciences.
Mulholland Society/Class of 1988 Departmental Teaching Award : Department of Medicine
The award was established in 1988 by the Mulholland Society and the Class of 1988 to emphasize the importance of departmental attitudes, dedication and teamwork toward effective teaching. It is given to the department selected by the graduating class in recognition of superior teaching by the faculty and house staff.
James Ernest Kindred Award: R. Ramesh Singh, M.D.
The award was established by the Class of 1966 to honor the former Professor of Anatomy. It is given to a member of the House Staff (intern, resident, or fellow) felt by the graduating class to have displayed the greatest enthusiasm for teaching students while inspiring them through the common experience of uncertainty assuaged by ideas.
Robley Dunglison Award: Mark J. Mendelsohn, M.D.
The award was established by a gift from the Class of 1964 in honor of the first faculty member of the School of Medicine. It is given by the graduating class to a member of the faculty in recognition of outstanding teaching efforts and personal contributions toward arousing interests and inspiring the endeavors of students.
Awards and Honors:
Award for Excellence in the Practice of Medicine-2: Christopher John Arnold Robert M. Blizzard Pediatric Scholar Award: Allison Layla Marie Kirk Carlos and Amparo Villar-Palasi Prize in Pharmacology: Brian Thomas Fowler , Richard William McClain James R. Cash Pathology Book Award: Kellie Anne Reardon , Sarah Marguerite Stamps Douglas W. Eastwood Award in Anesthesiology: Alison Cole Hessberg The Richard F. Edlich Medical Student Research Award in Emergency Medicine: Matthew Peter Borloz Herbert R. Farber Award in Internal Medicine and the Arts or Athletics: Matthew Wall Semler Humanism in Medicine Award: Matthew Wall Semler R. Scott Jones Award in Surgery: Cullen O’Neill Carter Gratton Alexander Litz III Award in Internal Medicine: Alexander Tharrington Hawkins The McGilvery Memorial Book Award in Biochemistry: Richard William McClain Medical Student Teaching Award: Anne McGehee Mills , Bryan Su-Hyun Jeun , Ramin Javan Larry S. Nichter Medical Student Research Award in Plastic Surgery: Brian Daniel Hobbs
Descriptions of awards and honors are available at Medical Student Handbook