Every day experts from many disciplines work tirelessly to try and stem the tide of childhood obesity. While their efforts are helping, the support and love of family members can also go toward helping children achieve healthy weight goals. The University of Virginia Children’s Fitness Clinic in collaboration with the Charlottesville Childhood Obesity Taskforce will offer families the chance to do just that! Families with an overweight, school-age child can enroll in Family Health and Fitness Camp, which will promote healthy eating and physical fitness. The camp will be located at Camp Holiday Trails in Charlottesville and will be held beginning Friday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. to Monday, Sept. 24 at 12 noon.
Families who are interested should act fast as space is limited! Registration ends September 1.
“Often times we see overweight children come from households where overweight adults live,” said Susan Cluett, nurse practitioner with the Children’s Fitness Clinic at the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital. “Losing weight and reaching for and achieving a healthy lifestyle are done best when it is a family affair.”
Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Childhood Obesity Task Force, which runs the camp, families need only pay $25 per person for an experience valued at $500 per person. This fee includes three nights of lodging, meals, activities and a t-shirt. Each family will have a private cabin, bathroom and shower.
Kohl’s Department Store is a funding partner for Family Health and Fitness Camp. Camp Holiday Trails, Triple C Camp also are partners in helping area children beat the obesity epidemic. Experts from many disciplines will direct the camp.
Interested families can call (434) 972-6273 or email Barbara.yager@vdh.virginia.gov . Reporters interested in covering this story should call the Public Relations Office at (434) 243-2734.