What: The University of Virginia School of Medicine’s Driving Safety Laboratory is offering comprehensive driving evaluations at reduced rates for drivers with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.
Evaluations involve a visit to the Virginia Driving Safety Laboratory for assessment of vision, driving knowledge, reaction time, driving-relevant cognitive abilities and an evaluation in a driving simulator, followed by an on-road evaluation. A confidential evaluation report will be given to the driver and the driver’s physician. The evaluations provide drivers, family members and physicians with a detailed description of a driver’s strengths and weaknesses and how they impact driving safety.
The cost of an evaluation can range from free to $250, depending on the participant’s income.
The evaluations are being provided through a contract with the Virginia Department of Aging’s Expanded Older Driver Rehabilitation Program. Steven T. DeKosky, MD, FAAN, FACP, Vice President and Dean of the UVA School of Medicine, and the Central and Western Virginia Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association worked to secure funding from the Virginia Center on Aging to help reduce the cost of evaluations.
When: This program is open to patients through September 2011.
Where: The Virginia Driving Safety Laboratory is at the University of Virginia Health System’s West Complex (1335 Lee St.) in Charlottesville.
Additional Information:
To schedule a driving evaluation: Please contact the Virginia Driving Safety Laboratory at 434.924.5314. Media inquiries: Please contact Peter Jump at 434.924.1501 or prj4p@virginia.edu .