Culpeper Regional Health System and the University of Virginia Medical Center announced plans today for UVA to become the majority member of Culpeper Regional Hospital (CRH). The CRH Board has passed a resolution to engage in 90 days of negotiations around the next phase of our successful relationship.
UVA Medical Center currently owns 49% of CRH. A change in membership must be approved by The Culpeper Regional Health System Board of Directors, UVA Medical Center Operating Board, UVA Board of Visitors and Virginia’s Attorney General.
Discussions are specifically related to Culpeper Regional Hospital. Other key Culpeper Regional Health System (CRHS) entities are not part of this discussion; including the Powell Wellness Center, Free Clinic of Culpeper, Hospital Auxiliary and CRHS Foundation.
CRH has served the community since March 24, 1960. Over the past five years, the partnership with UVA has helped CRH expand the care available to patients in our communities. Healthcare continues to evolve with new concepts such as accountable care systems and population health, and continues to undergo significant economic and regulatory environment changes. Our combined size and scope will enhance our ability to provide safe, high quality healthcare services in this rapidly changing environment.
“Since our affiliation with UVA Health System in 2009, Culpeper Regional Hospital and our patients have benefitted from UVA’s investment in additional clinical services, new facilities and new technology,” said Tom Reynolds, MD, chair of the CRH Board of Trustees. “We look forward to working with UVA to build on our 54 years of service to the community and our patients.”
Richard P. Shannon, MD, UVA’s executive vice president for health affairs, said UVA and CRH have been good partners and will be better partners in the future. Through this transition, Shannon said, CRH will remain a community hospital focused on its hometown region. “A change in the balance of ownership does not constitute a change in mission – rather, it advances the vision of providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place,” he said. “We look forward to integrating our efforts to advance the hospital and continue to provide the best care close to home for patients.”
The CRH Board and UVA Medical Center Operating Board intend to complete final negotiations and all necessary approvals in the coming months. UVA and CRH leaders will develop a plan to further enhance operational and clinical integration to build on the high-quality, safe care we provide our patients and position us for the future.