As COVID-19 case counts continue to decline, additional visitation will be permitted at University of Virginia Medical Center inpatient units, Emergency Department, outpatient clinics and outpatient procedural areas effective Thursday, March 3. The changes also apply to UVA’s Transitional Care Hospital.
Visitors must be ages 12 or older and cannot have COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious diseases. All visitors must be screened before entering the hospital and must always wear a mask inside UVA Medical Center facilities.
Visitation Policies for Adult Patients
- Inpatient units and UVA Transitional Care Hospital: Two designated visitors are permitted bedside between 8 a.m.-9 p.m. One visitor may stay at the bedside overnight.
- Emergency Department, outpatient clinics and procedural areas: Two designated visitors are permitted. Similar to UVA’s regular visitation policies, there may be times and locations (such as operating rooms) where visitation is not permitted.
Visitation Policies for Pediatric Patients
- Inpatient units: Patients may have two adult visitors. Both visitors are permitted to be at the bedside between 8 a.m.-9 p.m. One visitor is permitted at the bedside overnight.
- Emergency Department, outpatient clinics, and procedural areas: Patients may have two adult visitors. Both visitors may accompany the patient to clinic visits and to other care areas. Similar to UVA’s regular visitation policies, there may be times and locations (such as operating rooms) where visitation is not permitted.
All public spaces – including the hospital lobby, cafeteria and waiting areas – will be open to members of the public.
Visitation Policy Exceptions
Exceptions include:
- Pregnant patients: May have two visitors with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Patients at the end of life: May have two visitors with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Patients under investigation for COVID or patients with COVID: Visitors are not permitted except for patients are at the end of life, pediatric patients or if visitation is deemed necessary for the safety or well-being of a patient with a disability or other special needs.
Anyone with questions is asked to call ahead to 434.924.0000 or visit uvahealth.com/services/covid19-visiting-restrictions.